What is a Web3 Wallet? Uncovered, listed and explained

6 min readAug 23, 2022


Web3 wallets are the future of the internet. They provide us with a way to use hardware or software to access funds, interact with DApps and banks, collect NFTs, create on-chain identity, collaborate with communities, and provide more use cases beyond the scope of traditional wallets.

This article will introduce and explain some of the more common wallets with focus on two specific categories, custodial and non custodial. This is an important distinction to make because of what it means in regards to personal data and financial assets.

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What is Web3 Wallet?

Web3 wallets are going to be a massive industry standard in the coming years. If you’ve got any kind of content or assets you’re looking to monetize — whether it’s digital art or an online store — it’s time for you to get ahead of this trend.

In a traditional bank account, it’s in a vault somewhere. But if you’re using cryptocurrency — digital tokens that are traded through blockchain technology — your money isn’t really anywhere. It’s just data.

That’s why wallets are so important. They store the information you need to access your cryptocurrency funds, which are digital tokens stored on a public ledger called the blockchain.

If you’ve bought or sold bitcoin, ethereum, or another cryptocurrency, you probably know that it’s important to keep your crypto safe.

But how do you do that?

Luckily, there are a few different kinds of wallets out there that can help you keep your crypto safe. A crypto wallet is an app or hardware device that lets you access and store your digital currency. It has three main components: a public key, which is used to send and receive transactions; a private key, which must be kept secret and undisclosed and enables access to funds; and a seed phrase that can create new private keys.

Hot Wallets

Types of Web3 hot wallets

Hot wallets are software-based wallets that store cryptocurrency on devices connected to the web. They are more convenient than other types of wallets due to their ability to store, send, receive, and view tokens. Hot wallets are considered the highest in utility when it comes to Web3 wallets because they can be used for making payments or interacting with smart contracts.

Hot wallets store private keys in an encrypted file on your computer that is protected by a password. This means that you can access your funds from any computer with internet access if you have your password set up correctly. However, this also means that if a hacker gains access to your computer then they could steal all of your funds at once by simply accessing the wallet files directly.

Desktop Wallets

Desktop wallets are the safest kind of hot wallet. They’re downloaded to your computer as an application, and they run locally on your machine. Desktop wallets are a great option if you don’t want to leave any of your funds in an exchange account, or if you want to store some crypto on an offline computer.

Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallets are a type of cryptocurrency wallet that is specifically designed to be compatible with smartphones. Mobile wallets tend to be more primitive and limited in functionality compared to their desktop counterparts due to space constraints and the need for simplicity.

In essence, mobile wallets make it possible for users to store, send, receive and manage their digital assets on the go without having to get off their couch or leave the comfort of their home.

Mobile wallets are generally easier to use than other types of cryptocurrency wallets due to their intuitive user interface (UI) and simple features such as QR codes for fast sharing with others.

Web Wallets

When you use a web wallet, your private keys are stored in the cloud and aren’t displayed to you or anyone else. This means that if you want to transfer funds from your wallet, you’ll need access to the unique address associated with your account.

Web wallets are often considered less secure than desktop wallets because they’re more vulnerable to hacking attempts. A hacker could potentially steal all of your funds if they were able to hack into the cloud server where your private keys are being stored.

Despite these risks, web wallets can be useful if you don’t want to download anything or if you want easy access from multiple devices.

Cold Wallets

To protect their cryptocurrency from cyber criminals and hackers, some investors choose to store their digital assets in cold wallets. These wallets are not connected to the internet, so they are difficult to hack.

Cold wallets can be either physical or digital. There are also hardware wallets that provide an even greater level of security than traditional cold storage methods because they connect directly to your computer via USB ports rather than through a browser window like software wallets do.

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are physical devices that look like USB drives. They use random number generators to create public and private keys, which are used to secure cryptocurrencies. They are considered one of the safest alternatives because they do not connect to the internet, so your private keys cannot be stolen. This makes hardware wallets ideal for long-term investment and storage.

Hardware wallets can be used with any existing cryptocurrency wallet or exchange, making them versatile tools for anyone interested in investing in crypto. They are also easy to use; simply plug them into your computer like a flash drive and launch your software. You can even use them on multiple devices including tablets and smartphones!

The only downside to using hardware wallets is that they are not as fast as other options like apps or web-based wallets. However, they can still be used at any time while keeping all of your funds safe from hackers or other threats.

Benefits of using web3 wallets

Web3 wallets are the future of crypto. They offer users more flexibility and control over their transactions than any other wallet type. Here are some advantages of using them:


Web3 wallets are advantageous for several reasons. First, they allow you to manage and trade your assets without having to go through a third party. It also gives you full control over your funds, so you can easily manage them or trade them as you see fit.

Furthermore, they are easy to set up, which is a great advantage for users who are new to the crypto space. The set up process only takes a few minutes. Once you have created an account, you can start transacting, as well as have easy access to several web3 products. This is very easy to use compared to other traditional digital wallets.

Privacy and anonymity

Web3 wallets offer a high level of privacy protection. This means that while you transact with another address, it is almost impossible for anyone to know who the recipient is.

Enhanced security

When you invest in cryptocurrencies, you need to know your investment is secure. You need to know that information about you — including your identification and accessibility to your funds — is completely safe. Web3 wallets use an encrypted sign-up/sign-in procedure and an encrypted storage system, ensuring there’s no breach and others can’t access your wallets. Most web3 wallets don’t allow for withdrawals for additional security, as well.

How to create a web3 wallet?

Before you can use applications that use the Ethereum blockchain, you need to install a digital wallet. A digital wallet is an online account that allows you to store and transfer the cryptocurrency associated with the blockchain.

The most popular cryptocurrency is Ether, or ETH. If you want to create a MetaMask wallet, follow these steps:

  • Install the extension
  • Click on Create a Wallet
  • You’ll need to create and re-confirm your password
  • Remember to keep your secret recovery phrase safe and secure and confirm your secret recovery phrase.

You can see a detailed guide on how to set up a MetaMask Wallet in our article.

Keep reading this article and check out our Top 15 Web3 Crypto Wallets


